What is licensing music? What is the system of licensing in the music business? How does it actually work and where is the money?
This session will explain and unravel the often complex practices and rights in the system of copyright licensing and legal issues that confront creators and users.
Top licensing tips will be offered by Paul Sanderson the author of the so-called "bible" of the music industry "Musicians and Law in Canada" 4th Edition (Carswell)
Paul is one of Canada's top entertainment lawyers with over 30 years of experience in private law practice servicing the music industry.
Since being called to the Ontario bar in 1983, Paul has been in private practice and has practiced entertainment and arts law exclusively. He is currently a sole practitioner in the firm Sanderson Entertainment Law which is located in the upper beaches district in Toronto. For more information visit the firm website at
Paul is the author of the legal texts "Musicians and the Law in Canada" (Carswell Legal Publication), now in its fourth edition, Music Law Handbook for Canada Volume I and II (Seraphim Editions) and Artists' Contracts: Agreements for Visual and Media Artists (CARFAC Ontario) now in its 3rd edition.
He is an instructor at Metalworks Institute of Sound and Music Production and in this position he provides education on such areas as Entertainment Agreements, Contractual and Legal Aspects of Live Show Production, and Intellectual Property.