CDJ Show 2012 Seminar - Expanding your Markets with Caribbean and Ethnic Music styles

Presenter:David Beal
Title:Expanding your Markets with Caribbean and Ethnic Music styles
Organization:Music Unlimited DJ Service
From:Toronto, ONtario

Being a music collector from the age of 10 I have been exposed to all sorts of ethnic music and have found a love for all types of Ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

As the owner of Music Unlimited DJ Service for over 15 years I have had a chance to travel the world with out leaving Toronto.

With the increase in multi-ethnic weddings, the need for a versatile, diverse DJ is a growing demand. Allowing yourself to expand your knowledge of ethnic music is not only welcomed by your client, but it will also broaden your skills as a professional DJ. David will show you how to explore new avenues in the way of playing music not only ethnic but combining mainstream hits as well.

Caribbean Music comes in a large variety of tones and sounds. There is Reggae, Rapso, Calypso, Soca, Chutney and the newest creation Reggaeton which is a combination of reggae with deep Latin rhythms.

The most popular calypso song that has gone mainstream at many functions is Hot, Hot, Hot, but today I will discuss how you could introduce many other types of Caribbean music to add a new dimension to your function.

As Caribbean music is very upbeat – it usually puts the crowd in a dancing mood and sets the tone for a party atmosphere. We will also do a brief discussion on other ethnic music backgrounds. Learn to come out of your comfort zone and expand your business by reaching out to different ethnic groups.

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