Open to all 2017 Full Pass Holders
Get connected! The CDJ Show is presenting another GetSigned Networking Meet, an opportunity for record labels to be in direct contact with many of Canada's artists/producers.
Once registered you will have *free access to - an online portal where you will add your artist and track information, (optionally add a jpg photo & pdf bio) and then upload your best track (you can also bring up to 3 tracks to your meeting on a USB stick). For returning GetSigned Meeting participants - new this year - everything takes place on - you can update and replace your track, bio or gallery anytime you like.
On the other end, record labels will be able to view your profile, listen to your work as they try and add new talent to their roster. They will be able to contact you through GetSigned to schedule a meeting at the CDJ Show on Saturday, March 11th. Overseas labels that cannot bet at the show can message your directly to set up a Skype, Face Time or phone meeting.
Everyone involved in GetSigned meetings is also eligible to take part in the JES - Such A Long Time Remix Competition
This year's GetSigned Networking Meet will take place on Saturday, March 11th between 2pm and 5pm. Labels will have designated meeting areas with representatives waiting to meet you during your scheduled meeting time. This is your opportunity to sell them on your work, your brand, yourself!
Get your CDJ Show Full Pass now! The GetSigned registration is accessible now on the main menu for Full Pass holders that are logged in. Once you submit your request, your account will be activated within 24 hours.
*CDJ Show 2017 Full Pass holders are entitled to a free Artist Single account for their own use until May 31st, 2017.